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Not So Stories
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Not So Stories
Reading the Renaissance- Culture, Poetics, and Drama ![]() |
The Ashgate Research Companion to Anglo-italian Renaissance Literature and Culture ![]() |
Anthology of culturally diverse writers create short works in reaction to Kipling’s Just So Stories
Rudyard Kipling’s Just So Stories was one of the first true children’s books in the English language, a timeless classic that continues to delight readers to this day. Beautiful, evocative and playful, the stories of How the Whale Got His Throat or the First Letter Written paint a magical, primal world.
It’s also deeply rooted in British colonialism. Kipling saw the Empire as a benign, civilising force, and his writing can be troubling to modern readers. Not So Stores attempts to redress the balance, bringing together new and established writers of colour from around the world to take the Just So Stories back, giving voices to cultures that were long deprived them.
- 作者: Moore, David Thomas (EDT)
- 原文出版社:Abaddon Books
- 出版日期:2018/04/10
- 語言:英文
Not So Stories